Thursday, August 5, 2010

Arpege Perfume Sephora

Kiel Update

Shortly after the experience with the fluttering Kiel, we have decided to reinforce this. This happened in the last few days put through additional layers of unidirectional carbon fiber, which is aligned diagonally to the keel fin. First, however, had the existing surface to be ground!
In response to the last blog entry, we were given by an Australian sailor T750 advice that has a small fin at the end of the lead bomb at you the high-speed flutter stopped. After Steve Thompson has advised us to take this action, we now have a :-). After

us twice a block of the canting means is flown around the ears, we have now replaced them.

We are now looking forward to the result of this update and hope that this is now the last "childhood disease" was.


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