Monday, February 11, 2008

My Wifeurethral Play

[with someone] put my foot connect

It has been said or done something wrong, then he has come into my foot - the situation has become embarrassing. It's mostly to do with cultural or social matters.

For example: Had I known that the visitors were vegetarian, I would have served no steak! Since I have put my foot stepped on them.

Wikipedia has two very interesting Geschichten von dieser Phrase an .

In English, literally, this means to step in the little dish of fat. It's functionally equivalent to putting one's foot in one's mouth, although I could swear I've heard a phrase along the lines of putting one's elbow in the butter dish, which would be a social transgression, because it implies you've got your elbows on the table at a fancy dinner.

By the way, I'm not going to put a picture here, but the Google image search results on the phrase "ins FettnÀpfchen treten" are kind of entertaining.

Phoenetically: [bye yay-mahn-demm] ints fet-nepf-shen tray-ten


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