autumn price Fountain The first race on a different lake took us to the wind-safe Uri. Thanks to the good wind conditions, we were on Saturday and Sunday, two runs (Up and Down) sailing. The run times were between 38 minutes and 1h29min.
The wind was good with 3 to 4 Beaufort.
These conditions were a further test for the crew and equipment. Three members of the five-team sailed the second time on the T780, but we allowed ourselves only a blunder during the maneuvers (I think our genacker has touched the keel under water ...). It showed also that all of us belong in the gym basement. The high crank the keel to the turn demanded the "Grinder", and the hours spent stuck in the belts was rather unusual for so many years of yacht sailing :-)
The boat stopped and the keel was with also with 14.5 knots, the gain the fin and the fin was apparently effective, no wobble or vibration.
And the performance?
faster and higher - is the short version.
At the cross we had (Yardstick 83) only give us the much longer Modulo 105 (Yardstick 76) and BB12 (Yardstick 76) defeated. Against the wind we were able to then make them both back on solid ground.
On the water, we shared with each of the two Great the first three places of the fastest times. Calculated
we finished the series in second place, beaten only by a Soling (Yardstick 102). We have never seen this enemy :-)