African violets bloom abundantly with proper care and under favorable conditions, 6-10 months per year.
21 ° -26 ° C are optimal. And African violets do not like drafts!
Bright light, but (important) summer day no direct sunlight.
The water must be at room temperature and water from the tap should be left open several hours before pouring. No pouring water on the leaves. It is best to use rain water because the pH is optimal for these plants. If the soil is still moist, do not pour the plants, because otherwise suffer the African violet or possibly even death could.
In winter, water them less often and, when very cold on your windowsill is to protect their roots from the cold.
Should not more than 90-10 cm in adult plants. Normally, the diameter of the pot about one-third of the width of the plant be. If the pot is too big, but you get a lot of nice, green leaves, but very few flowers.
earth and implementation:
adult plants need to be changed once translated a year, preferably in the spring. You would need a proper soil mix. This mixture should be light and crumbly. Do this with imagination. There is no universal recipe for them I can only give an example.
- 60% earth (Look an information on the contents of the package min 50% peat, pH 5.5 to 6.5 and salinity maximum of 1 g.. / l (important))
- 20% vermiculite (or coarse sand, fine sand please do not use)
- 20% coconut earth or sphagnum moss
And a little charcoal, small ground (max. 5 mm pieces).
Alternatively, you can use other components: perlite, pine bark. The goal is to get a light and crumbly soil mix.
During the first two months after the implementation of African violets need no fertilizer. Later you can give twice a month fertilizer, but only half as much use as specified on the package.
The fertilizer for African Violets need more phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and less nitrogen (N) so that the violets entwikeln more flowers. The best ratio of N: P: K is 2:5:4.
Galina Domnina
photo of Ludmila Gor